Who is the author?

Nicodemus Walker is a writer and journalist, author of The Beribboned Door trilogy and The Miller Tapes. His work focuses on strange stories, half-true fables, myths, legends and hoaxes of the internet. He lives with my partner and his baby just outside London.

Why ‘the taste of static’?

The phrase ‘the taste of static’ is one of the very few surviving line from Michael F Zozo’s digital opus - ‘I live in Autumn Everyday.’ Paired with the few other snippets available, it is alleged to refer to motif of harmful sensation experienced by the main character of the work when viewing the website he has designed - perhaps Zozo himself.

It has also been used recently to refer to the way that carbonated water feels on the tongue.

Have you ever heard about Polybius?

Yes. It’s not real. It was never real. It’s a fantastic story, but there is no truth to it. It’s the same as Pale Luna, Rohadia and The 100 Door Challenge .

What happened to part four of The Beribboned Door articles?

The forth entry in the series was written several years later and served only as an introduction to a drafted fifth entry. However, after several months of investigation, it was decided that Walker would not be continuing with the series. His reasons for this are private, but serious, and concern people other than himself and their safety/privacy.

Is it true that Nicodemus wrote Let’s Play Rhapsody (Red Edition)?

He did not. It is possible that he will write about Rhapsody (Red Edition) in the future (or more likely the Let’s Play itself written by Viper Manor).